17,000 and Counting

Today is a special day. It is our 20th wedding anniversary. It is also my 17,000 day of being alive. I could decide on a day as special as this that I deserve to be pampered – by others, by me. I could spend the day sitting around with my feet up and reading a book while eating a bowl of popcorn. Or I could decide that today is the day for action. The day to begin making myself into the person I want to be for the next 17,000 days.

I decided to split the difference. After I got the kids off to school and made breakfast for my husband,  I went back to sleep for a bit. I got my husband  to walk the dog so I was able to stay in my PJs for just a little longer. I answered some emails and played a round of an iPad game.

Then I went to work. Our house is currently overrun with Stuff. I have started boxing things and labeling things and generally moving things around. My goal is to find hidden space by getting rid of stuff and reorganizing. (This place should definitely feel bigger than it does.) While the task is truly daunting I have faith I can make it happen this time.

As my then-three year old once taught me, “I can do this!”

And since we are going out to dinner and a movie for our anniversary tonight I will still get to sit around and eat popcorn!


Baby Steps