Pump Me Up
Today’s plan: drop off a bunch of the stuff I have gathered and boxed up for discarding.
I started the day by getting a pep talk from my sister. She cheered me on, reminding me of the importance of getting things out of the house as easily and quickly as possible. When I balked at not making money on items I was sure I could sell she pointed out that perhaps later I would have the luxury of choosing things to sell instead of donating them or dropping them at a resale shop but at the moment my goal has to be to get things out so that I can move on.
Shortly after that I was on the phone with my husband, who once again earned extra credit. When I asked him if it was really okay to just be donating things that I was sure I could sell he reminded me that the first goal was to get things out of the house; the secondary goal was to get things into the hands of someone who could use them – even if this meant just taking items to the curb; and the third, but not necessary, goal was to get a little money. If some money came our way for some of the items – great, but it was not necessary. And here is where the extra credit comes in – he said “you aren’t making a living getting rid of this stuff, you are getting rid of this stuff to make a life.” Have I mentioned how much I love him?
Anyway, I loaded the car with boxes and bags filled with books and toys, clothing and baby proofing items and drove them to a local kids resale shop. I was thrilled with my accomplishment. FINALLY I was getting these things out of the house. I was prepared to drop them off and accept whatever they offered me because out of the house is where I need them to be and anything is better than having them back.
Imagine how deflated I felt when I arrived and they wouldn’t even let me drop everything off because I had too much stuff. I had too much stuff for a whole shop! And I hadn’t even brought in all that I have yet! I still had two boxes in the car! And more at the house!
Time for plan B. Not sure what that is yet, but the stuff must not come back into the house. Perhaps a visit to Sister Thrift or the Cambridge Clothing Exchange tomorrow. I will see what the resale shop wasn’t interested in when I go back there in the morning.