
Perhaps it was time for another revelation, or perhaps it was just a brain glitch while drying my hair this morning, but I realized that I don’t really have a personal mission. In life, maybe, but not on a smaller scale. I fill my time with enabling the mission of others. Not a bad thing, but should it be the main thing?

What brought this to light for me? I recently asked a friend for some help. Not a big deal really, just looking for suggestions and advice, but I was surprised at how little he was committed to digging up answers for me. Not that this should have been his task. It’s just that as someone who takes on the quests of others fairly seriously, especially those of people I know and love, it came as a surprise. Need an apartment? A specific recipe? A place to buy that special gift at a discount? I’m your gal! Heck, I have even been known to spend time connecting strangers on Craigslist, those seeking things with those giving it away.

When I mentioned this revelation to my husband and my sister they were both a bit surprised that this was news to me. Their question (and therefore now mine) is now that I have seen this about myself, what will I do about it? Like when you look at an optical illusion, once you see it the horse and bunny or the old woman and the young lady – you can’t unsee it. I will have to figure this out. In the meantime, I have to go clear out my MIL’s place, sort books for the elementary school book swap and find a home stay for the son of a high school classmate of mine.


An Open Letter to My Children


A Silver Lining