Writing out of my mind

by Joan Silberlicht Epstein

I have been a keen observer of people and my surroundings for as long as I can remember. I sat and I watched and I wondered. While I never took to hiding in dumbwaiters (does anyone actually have one of these?) Harriet the Spy fascinated me.

I have not always spoken up about my observations, but I have always had plenty to say. This blog is a compilation of those things. Welcome to the inside of my head!

Essays Essays

One Week Later

Re-entry is tough. No more breakfasts of amazing breads, hard boiled eggs, fresh veggies, tuna salad and incredible yogurt laid out for us each morning. No more daily adventures with unimaginably beautiful scenery. No more guilt-free runs to the local bakery.

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Essays Essays

Worth the Wait

Have you ever really wanted something, wanted it so much and for such a long time that you couldn’t even remember why you had wanted it in the first place? You were just sure it was something necessary. Desires like that can take on a life of their own.

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Essays Essays

Tackling the Fun To-Dos is Still Progress

Yesterday I had trouble motivating myself to continue the purge. I couldn’t seem to tackle the stacks of boxes which rose like mountains throughout our living room, let alone the ones in the basement. I decided that the answer was not to

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