Writing out of my mind
by Joan Silberlicht Epstein
I have been a keen observer of people and my surroundings for as long as I can remember. I sat and I watched and I wondered. While I never took to hiding in dumbwaiters (does anyone actually have one of these?) Harriet the Spy fascinated me.
I have not always spoken up about my observations, but I have always had plenty to say. This blog is a compilation of those things. Welcome to the inside of my head!
Yesterday Mourning
This morning brought terrible news. My friends’ son, away at college, died from a seizure and was found yesterday morning by his roommate. This is a tragic loss, for his parents, his siblings and his many friends. And while his death, their loss, is
Love Can Be Found in the Strangest of Places
When my husband and I moved into our first apartment together he was in grad school. I was not yet working so I was in charge of unpacking while he was at class. After several days of sorting through boxes I noticed that he had placed a small brown vase full
Stranger Anxiety
Each morning I wake to a new boy. New size, new shape, new skills. I don’t hear when they come to make the switch (although my dog has begun barking in the night). The changes are subtle. In my exhaustion I doubt myself
Going Out On a Limb
When I was younger, sometime in grade school, one of my favorite things to do on a late summer afternoon was stick a book in my back pocket and climb up my grandfather’s apple tree. There was a limb just high enough up that I could perch there out of sight and
Food for Thought – Thoughts on Food
When I was a kid one of my favorite foods was pork chops. I loved when we would have them for supper. I would even request pork chops for my birthday dinner. They are the first meat I can remember learning how to cook. But around the age of thirteen I stopped
Last weekend my husband and son were both sick in bed. While I was preparing dinner my eight year old daughter asked to help. After cutting up the bananas for the fruit salad she decided it would be fun to pretend we were working in a diner.
Mommy Mondays
When my children were toddlers they were each enrolled in a fabulous childcare. Eventually they were attending four days a week. But not on Mondays. Never on Mondays. Mondays were our day. We would spend them baking and making crafts (ie making a mess.)
If I Am Blessed with a Daughter
I never met my father’s mother. Couldn’t remember her name until I learned my older sister is her namesake.
I found her picture once wedged between the Jewish World Atlas and a biography of Moshe Dayan.
Remembering Mom
Today is my mother’s 82nd birthday, or would have been had she not died in her early forties. Now, at the age of 46, I have already lived three years longer than she did. I think of her every day even though more than seventy five percent of my life has been without her.
When one becomes a parent there are certain milestones in your child’s life you are programmed to expect: the first time your child rolls over, his first step, her first day of school. But not all milestones are anticipated – at least they weren’t by me. This year brought
My son recently joined a new sports team. It is a new league, in a new town, with a new coach. I sent his coach an email last night and shortly thereafter realized that I had addressed the coach by his first name. Not having participated in organized sports myself, I am
Outside the Comfort Zone – Part 2
There are many moments in life when I find that I am at a loss for words but none of them are quite as hard as when I am trying to respond to someone else’s misfortune. Whether I am hearing of a death, divorce or medical condition, words of comfort, while heartfelt, are hard to find. Nothing seems adequate.
Unwanted Visitors
Dear Little Brown Mouse,
Please consider this letter your final notification that you are to vacate our premises immediately. Should you not do so, the authorities will be arriving on Tuesday between the hours of
Outside My Comfort Zone
Have you ever been out in public and witnessed something which made you uncomfortable? Did you struggle with the question of whether or not to engage with the strangers involved and address the issue? Sometimes it is of relatively little consequence such as
One Week Later
Re-entry is tough. No more breakfasts of amazing breads, hard boiled eggs, fresh veggies, tuna salad and incredible yogurt laid out for us each morning. No more daily adventures with unimaginably beautiful scenery. No more guilt-free runs to the local bakery.
Good Night
There is something truly wonderful about coming home to a house in which everyone there is already asleep. There is no squabbling. No flying balls. No instrument being practiced. There is no TV or Wii. No radio or humming. The house is quiet and calm.
Worth the Wait
Have you ever really wanted something, wanted it so much and for such a long time that you couldn’t even remember why you had wanted it in the first place? You were just sure it was something necessary. Desires like that can take on a life of their own.